We are a Specialized Foster Care Agency and a provider who offers adult mental health assistance. We recruit families or individuals to be specialized foster parents for our specialized foster youth. We provide adult assisted living homes for those that need mental health assistance. JC Lighthouse also specializes in Out-Patient Behavior Health Services for youth and adults.
JC Lighthouse was established in 2010, by James and Chandra Williams. As experienced foster parents, they saw first-hand the demand for foster parents in our community and the needs of those families that choose to become foster families. JC Lighthouse was formed to begin to address those needs.
They also realized a void in Specialized Foster Care, which concentrates on youth who require mental health rehabilitation due to physical or mental abuse. They began recruiting families to become specialized foster families and provided them with training and ongoing support. As some of these youth grew into young adults and exited the foster care system, JC Lighthouse saw the need to support these transitioning youth with independent living skills, employment assistance, money management and ongoing mental health care.
JC Lighthouse expanded their role to include adult assisted living homes and outpatient support for those adults receiving mental health services in our area. They saw a need to provide homes that are a safe and stable environment which encourages each individual to live as independent as possible.
The organization now offers a full range of person-centered services including foster family support, specialized foster care, specialized outpatient care and adult mental health assistance.
JC Lighthouse believes each client is unique and it is our responsibility to provide the healing intervention that is required to help each individual in their journey through life's challenges.